
It all started 27 years ago with Microsoft Frontpage and a boy's dream. 🚧 Search engines were still in their infancy, and I wanted to make something with links to all my favorite Quake 2 skins to share with my buddies. Classic story! Anyway, I had so much fun doing it that it remained a slow yet persistant hobby from then on. I soaked up anything I could get my hands on about my new craft from articles, books, then later youtube, podcasts, etc.. 👨‍🎓

Fast forward to today, I work along side a small team of talented people at a small remote software company in the healthcare space. The really small kind of company where everybody wears multiple hats. Here, I've played a major role in envisioning, planning, designing, executing, maintaining, and scaling our products. It's challenges have grown and stretched me as a programmer and... as a human! ❤️

I work a lot. But in my off-hours, I still enjoy solving problems! 😆 Sometimes the solution is with software, other times with a table saw or a welding machine. I just enjoy the struggle and beauty of beating my head against the wall until the breakthrough occurs. So satisfying! And I enjoy writing about such shenanigans over at eloquentarchitecture.com.

And I'm still learning
